I am a licensed psychologist in Florida and Pennsylvania and am authorized to provide telepsychology in PSYPACT participating states. I am also a board certified behavior analyst at the doctoral level and boarded by the American Board of Professional Psychology in clinical child and adolescent psychology. I am a wife and the mother of three wonderful children.
More important than the letters behind my name are the families I have been fortunate to help. My training and work experiences have given me the opportunity to assist children exhibiting the most concerning problem behaviors. To name a few, I have helped children who refused to eat any solid foods rejoin their family dinners, worked with children engaging in severe tantruming and aggressive behaviors, guided parents to get their children to sleep through the night, and supported children to overcome their fear of the potty. I have worked with parents to give them the knowledge, skill set, and confidence to become the types of parents they have always wanted to be.
My approach is generally a behavioral one where the family plays a central role. Children communicate so much through their behavior. If we can understand what their behavior is saying to us, we can then understand why a child may be behaving in a certain way. More importantly, we can teach them to communicate through more adaptive means. Including parents in every step of the way allows for you to gain valuable skills that can then be incorporated immediately at home. Behavior change is not easy, but getting everyone involved makes the process that much more successful.